Female horse names. June the Clydesdale cross Connemara

Female Horse Names

Naming a horse

So you have a new horse? Maybe it’s a foal, or you have bought a yearling, or an older horse and for some reason she needs a new name.

Is it OK to rename a horse?

It’s ok to rename a horse. Here at Strathorn, we have renamed quite a few for various reasons.

Maybe you already have one of the same name, so your new mare needs a different name. Maybe you don’t like the name she came with, or she just doesn’t suit it.

Maybe the name on her passport is very grand like “Bramblemills Queen of Sheba” and you don’t feel like shouting that when you go out to the paddock, or maybe she has an unfortunate name like this French mare, .


Naughty French horse breeders called their mare Gros Nichons

The owners son thought it would be funny to call her “Gros Nichons” but the French Racing authorities objected so she was given the English translation of the name, which is “Big Tits”. Hardly something you want to be shouting around the yard 🙂

Pepper the cob.  Gypsy cob sticking out her tongue

Pepper, our cheeky Gypsy Cob.

She is called Princess on her passport, but does she really look like one? HARDLY! That’s why we renamed her Pepper.

Do horses know their own names?

There are a few videos on YouTube showing horses coming individually when called, so it can be done. In our experience however, our horses live in big herds, and if you tried to call an individual horse, you get none of the ones you wanted and lots of the ones you didn’t.

Is it ok to change a horses name?

Yes, unless the horse is highly trained to its name like a therapy pony or one of a team of driving horses there is no issue in changing a horses name. So let’s take a look at a few ways to find inspiration when naming your new horse!

At Strathorn, we have named hundreds of horses over the years, and not just all the Clydesdale foals that have been born with us here in Scotland, we often rename a horse that comes to us later in life.

Why would be do that you ask? Well, often the horses haven’t been handled much and they don’t recognise their own names yet, or sometimes their names are a mouthful and they have to be changed just so we can say them!

In fact, my dad renamed a Clydesdale to Bert, because his previous owner had called him Boris and my dad did not like the Prime minister of the UK at the time, Boris Johnstone!

I’ve never met a horse called Maureen

Naming your horse after family members is an option. We have a Laura, who is named after my sister in law, and we have had an Archie and Hamish, named after my nephews. Some names maybe don’t suit a horse though, I have never met a horse called Maureen, but if anyone knows one please get in touch and we’ll post her picture in this article 🙂

Laura the horse.  Bay CLYDESDALE CROSS WELSH

Laura, our homebred Welsh cross Clydesdale, named after a family member

How to name a female horse

Inspiration for naming a horse can come from many places:

  • Literature and Mythology: Names of strong female characters from books, myths, and legends. Examples include “Athena” from Greek mythology or “Arwen” from “The Lord of the Rings.”
  • Nature: Names inspired by natural elements such as flowers, plants, trees, and weather phenomena. Examples include “Willow,” “Daisy,” or “Storm.”
  • History and Royalty: Names of historical figures or royalty, offering a sense of grandeur and elegance. Examples include “Cleopatra,” “Victoria,” or “Elizabeth.”
  • Movies and TV Shows: Names of iconic female characters from films and television series. Examples include “Leia” from “Star Wars” or “Daenerys” from “Game of Thrones.”
  • Music and Arts: Names of famous female musicians, artists, or songs that you love. Examples include “Adele,” “Beyoncé,” or “Starr.”
  • Geography: Names inspired by places such as cities, countries, or natural landmarks. Examples include “Sydney,” “Savannah,” or “Sierra.”
  • Languages and Cultures: Beautiful names from different languages and cultures around the world. Examples include “Amara” (African), “Fiona” (Scottish), or “Yuki” (Japanese).
  • Pop Culture: Names from contemporary popular culture, including trends in fashion, entertainment, and social media. Examples include “Khaleesi,” “Hermione,” or “Arya.”
  • Animals and Wildlife: Names inspired by other animals or wildlife, emphasizing qualities like grace or power. Examples include “Fawn,” “Raven,” or “Tiger.”
  • Personal Experiences: Names derived from personal experiences, places you’ve travelled, or people you’ve met. These names have special significance and a personal touch. Examples include a favourite vacation spot, a childhood friend, or a memorable event.

Popular Female Horse Names

  • Bella
  • Daisy
  • Rosie
  • Grace
  • Lady
  • Willow
  • Luna
  • Ginger
  • Ruby
  • Pippa

Elegant and Classic Female Horse Names

  • Arabella – Arabella Churchill, a historical figure who was an English noblewoman and the mistress of King James II.
  • Seraphina – Seraphina Pekkala, a character from Philip Pullman’s “His Dark Materials” series, who is the queen of a clan of witches.
  • Victoria – Queen Victoria, the long-reigning monarch of the United Kingdom during the 19th century.
  • Magnolia – Magnolia, a character in the film “Steel Magnolias,” symbolizing Southern grace and strength.
  • Anastasia – Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna of Russia, the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, around whom many legends have formed.
  • Celeste – Celeste, a character from the French children’s book series “Babar the Elephant,” who is the Queen of the Elephants.
  • Genevieve – Saint Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris, known for her piety and reputed to have saved Paris from Attila the Hun through her prayers.
  • Isabella – Isabella I of Castile, the queen who, along with Ferdinand II of Aragon, funded Christopher Columbus’s 1492 voyage.
  • Ophelia – Ophelia, a character from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet,” known for her tragic beauty and gentle nature.
  • Penelope – Penelope, the faithful wife of Odysseus in Homer’s epic, “The Odyssey,” known for her loyalty and cleverness.

Unique and Uncommon Female Horse Names

  • Zephyr – Zephyra, a lesser-known mythological figure who is the female personification of the west wind.
  • Nyx – Nyx, the Greek goddess of the night, a powerful and mysterious figure in mythology.
  • Elysia – Elysia, inspired by the Elysian Fields, the final resting place of the souls of the heroic and the virtuous in Greek mythology.
  • Artemisia – Artemisia I of Caria, a historical figure who was a queen and naval commander during the Greco-Persian Wars.
  • Thalassa – Thalassa, the primordial spirit of the sea in Greek mythology.
  • Galadriel – Galadriel, the wise and powerful Elven queen in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings.”
  • Calliope – Calliope, the muse of epic poetry in Greek mythology, often associated with eloquence and storytelling.
  • Sapphira – Sapphira, a character from the New Testament known for her tragic story of deception.
  • Morgana – Morgana le Fay, a powerful enchantress in Arthurian legend.
  • Cassiopeia – Cassiopeia, the vain queen in Greek mythology who was turned into a constellation.

Female Horse Names Inspired by Nature

  • Aurora – Named after the natural light display in the Earth’s sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions (Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights).
  • Coral – Inspired by the colorful marine invertebrates that create coral reefs in tropical oceans.
  • Juniper – Named after the juniper tree, known for its aromatic berries and evergreen foliage.
  • Marigold – A bright and cheerful flower known for its vibrant yellow and orange petals.
  • Rain – Inspired by the natural precipitation that falls from clouds, essential for life on Earth.
  • Sable – Named after the sable, a small mammal known for its luxurious, dark brown fur, or it can also refer to a deep, rich black color.
  • Poppy – A red flowering plant which is associated with fallen heroes. Often found in meadows and along roadsides.
  • Breeze – Inspired by the gentle wind that creates a refreshing and calming effect in nature.
  • Fern – Named after the lush, green plant that thrives in moist, shaded environments, known for its delicate, feathery fronds.
  • Clover – A plant with trifoliate leaves and small, fragrant flowers, often associated with good luck, especially the rare four-leaf clover.

Mythological Female Horse Names

  • Andromeda – Named after the Ethiopian princess in Greek mythology who was saved from a sea monster by Perseus. She was later placed among the stars as a constellation.
  • Freya – The Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She rode a chariot pulled by two cats and was associated with wealth and prosperity.
  • Ariadne – The Cretan princess in Greek mythology who helped Theseus navigate the Labyrinth and defeat the Minotaur.
  • Brigid – An important goddess in Irish mythology associated with spring, fertility, healing, and poetry. She was later syncretized with Saint Brigid in Christianity.
  • Echo – A mountain nymph in Greek mythology who loved her own voice and was cursed to only repeat the words of others.
  • Rhiannon – A Welsh goddess from the Mabinogion, associated with horses, birds, and magical sovereignty. She is known for her beauty, intelligence, and mystical powers.
  • Selene – The Greek goddess of the moon, often depicted riding a chariot drawn by white horses across the night sky.
  • Circe – A powerful sorceress in Greek mythology known for her ability to transform humans into animals using magical potions.
  • Inanna – The Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sex, fertility, and war. She is one of the earliest deities in recorded history.
  • Epona – A Celtic goddess associated with horses, fertility, and protection. She was particularly revered by the Roman cavalry and often depicted riding a horse.

Tips for Choosing the Perfect Female Horse Name

1. Reflect the Horse’s Personality and Traits

Choose a name that captures the essence of your horse’s personality or physical characteristics. If your horse is strong and spirited, a name like “Blaze” might be fitting. For a gentle and graceful horse, “Willow” could be more appropriate. Observe your horse’s behavior and appearance to find inspiration.

2. Keep It Simple and Easy to Pronounce

Opt for a name that is easy to say and remember. This is especially important for training and daily interactions. Names with one or two syllables are often more effective and less confusing for the horse to recognize.

3. Consider the Horse’s Heritage

If your horse has a particular breed or lineage, you might want to choose a name that reflects its heritage. For example, a Spanish Andalusian might suit a name like “Esperanza,” while an Irish Draught could be called “Siobhan.” This can honor the horse’s background and add a layer of meaning to the name.

4. Make Sure It Won’t Offend Your Grandmother

When brainstorming names, remember to choose something that you wouldn’t be embarrassed to shout across a crowded stable or introduce to others. Names like “Princess Buttercup” might be adorable, but you’ll want to ensure it’s also appropriate and doesn’t raise any eyebrows among family or friends.

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